Friday, October 8, 2010

Lawg Entry #1

People always ask me what kind of law I want to practice after law school. I usually make up some kind of ridiculous answer (i.e. cowboy law or game show host law), because I'm still trying to figure out a real answer to that question.

Fortunately I have stumbled across some gems in the law library that lend credibility to my lame answers. I therefore give you my newest answer, I want to practice "Space Law" after law school. So if you need someone to litigate any interplanetary disputes in the years to come, just swing by my offices.

Come to think of it, I bet that Emperor Palpatine was a space attorney...


  1. This is the best kind of law! maybe I will go to law school and practice deep sea law, then we will be unstoppable!

  2. I actually have a client already lined up for you...his name is Maimon from the planet Zonk and someone is suing him for spitting and standing in awkward poses...can you help him??? It is urgent!
